It’s official. GoEdison is now accredited by the Better Business Bureau (BBB).
GoEdison received official accreditation on March 07, 2019, by the Better Business Bureau. We’re very honored and humbled to reach this milestone in our business. To be honest, we view this new chapter not only as a proud moment in GoEdison’s history but a responsibility.
We don’t take this new accreditation lightly. We understand the privilege such approval has, but it’s a responsibility we graciously accept as well. Responsibility is an opportunity to be better. In this world, you’re either improving and growing or declining.
Three Years of Growth
One thing is definitely certain in GoEdison’s three years of operating, and that is our continual healthy and rapid growth. To be sure, our three years in operation as GoEdison is not our combined experience in marketing. Our company is benefitting from a diverse team of leaders who all carry years of marketing experience in a wide mix of industries – ranging from non-profit, education, healthcare, banking, finance, retail, technology, sales, hospitality, and entertainment – not to mention many others.
GoEdison started as a result of a lack of accountability the two co-founders observed in the marketing industry. For too long, marketing agencies have been hiding behind buzzwords and clever conversion tactics; after all, they are marketing themselves. Of course, marketing agencies know how to market themselves in order to reach their agency’s prospective clients, but are they helping to reach their client’s prospective clients? If it can’t be measured, then the answer is no.
GoEdison’s mission originated from our desire to bring accountability to the industry. Our theory is the accountability can only be attained through measurable results. We’re not afraid to talk numbers – something that’s rare in marketing, but it shouldn’t be. Similar to elections, the question should be, “Are you doing better or worse than you were before?” More importantly, are you doing better because of your marketing? We’ve found many companies keep their doors open in spite of their marketing rather than because of it. Results should be measured and marketing should drive those results. Marketing shouldn’t be a necessary cost; it should be an integral investment. Marketing will always be a centerpiece to your company’s ROI.
GoEdison was founded in February of 2016 and was profitable by April of 2016. We’ve modified our systems, groomed our strategies, and tailored our approach to providing streamlined services to those we can impact the most. We help clients across the country as well as many in our home state of Colorado. We genuinely love the spirit of business. GoEdison is privileged to be a part of so many lives that make our economy work.
When our clients grow, we all grow.
Digital Marketing is a Wild West Industry
What’s a Wild West industry? Some could argue all industries are Wild West industries. Fair enough. We won’t argue with that! However, which ones are the wildest? We won’t pretend to be crab fishermen or mercenaries, but digital marketing is viewed that way by the Better Business Bureau.
Believe it or not, digital marketing is considered to be a Wild West industry by the BBB, and only about 10% receive accreditation. Therefore, the BBB turns down far more digital marketing companies for accreditation than it accepts.
Before asking why it’s important to know what the BBB is looking for. The BBB is looking for a company that’s established; they want to be sure you’re in it to win it. Also, the BBB wants to see a company that was able to weather the storm, which means they’re not only in it to win it, but they’re winning enough to not fail.
Possibly the most important, the BBB wants to see a company with a soul. What does that mean? The BBB won’t accredit a company unless they believe that the company exhibits trust, honesty, and integrity. We heard this from the BBB themselves.
After a month within the approval process, the BBB decided GoEdison was worthy of accreditation.
BBB Bold
If you have a GoEdison business card or have seen our logo, you’ve noticed we use the phrase “Be Bold.” To us, that means be accountable in an unaccountable industry, exhibit trust, and develop an actual relationship. Be a part of the reason others succeed rather than merely benefit from their success.
We’re humbled every day that companies invite us into their operations to keep the momentum going. We never take for granted that we’ve been given a proverbial key to someone’s virtual home. We know how sacred that trust is, and we don’t take it lightly.
Last, we’re humbled the BBB has decided we exhibit that trust. We hold this trust even more sacred now. We’ll never look at the BBB logo the same way again because our accreditation means we’re responsible to ourselves, to our clients, and to the BBB.
“I believe fundamental honesty is the keystone of business” (Harvey S. Firestone)